Phantasmal Force

2nd-Level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 ft

Components: V, S, M (fleece)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You fill the mind of a creature you can see with some illusory creature, object, or phenomenon while the spell lasts. Unless the target succeeds at an intelligence saving throw, it believes the illusion is entirely real; even its senses will verify this and any illogical situations that arise will be rationalised in the illusion's favor.

On your turn, unless the illusion is of something that would not naturally attack or cause a damaging effect if it were real, the illusion deals 1d6 psychic damage if the target stands in or enters the area within 5 feet of the illusion, including the illusion's space. The damage appears to the target to be caused by some attack or effect that is natural to the illusion.

The target can make an Investigation check on the illusion. If it succeeds, the spell ends.

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